F2F 032: 10 Answers to Your Most Important Nagging Questions About Flipping Houses

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10 Answers to Your Most Nagging Questions

1. When working with a real estate agent, what is the most critticle information you need to succeed and is it bad to be working with 2 agents at the same time?

2. How do you sell your property on an assignment contract and not have your buyer know what amount of money you’re going to make?

3. What is the most effective direct mail piece and how do I use it correctly to to make money?

4. What happens if the tax assessor square footage is different than the real property?

5. What is the difference between an “Option Contract” and a “Purchase Contract”?  What is the best way to use these contracts to make money?

6. I have a real estate agent sending me listings how can I make money with these potential leads? How do I flip REO’s effectively?

7. I have another wholesaler call me off my bandit sign, what is the best way to work together and make money?

8. Do you use transactional funding if not, why not?

9. What is the difference between “Lease Option”, “Agreement for Sale” and “Subject To” investing.  How do I use each method strategically to make the most amount of money?

10. What is your top iPhone apps that you use every day.

What group text message service do I use? Message Media Web SMS

Items Mentioned in the Show

Building a Rental Portfolio: Jason Hartman

Top iPhone Apps

1. Home Value Pro – Realquest

2. Zillow iPhone App

3. Realtor.com

Question of the Week!!!

What’s Your Most Nagging Question?

Listen to the Fast Start to Your First BIG Check (Series 022-026)

Episode 022 – Your Fast Start to Your First Big Check

Stay tune for next weeks episode, I’m going to explain the “Ultimate Business Model” you DON’T want to miss it… Subscribe Now

Cheers :)

Have a Question?  Please leave your question on my voice mail and I’ll answer it on the next show!


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