F2F 054: 4 Million Dollar Missing Puzzle Pieces to Your Six Figure a Year Business

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4 Secrets to a Six Figure Real Estate Investing Business

In this episode I explain 4 secrets that will change your business completely.  Once you understand thoroughly how these 4 pieces fit into your business your income will skyrocket.

You’ll learn:

How to determine the difference between a motivated seller and a non-motivated seller.

What questions to ask to determine motivation.

How separate leads into 3 categories and make money of each situation.

How to make money off high equity, low equity and no equity leads.

You’ll learn how to easily scale your business to six figures a month.

You’ll also hear what the biggest difference is between a successful investor and a failure.

At the end of this episode we discuss FREEDOM and what it really means.


Have a Question?  Please leave your question on my voice mail and I’ll answer it on the next show!


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