F2F 110: Option Agreement vs. Purchase Contract: Which One to Use and Why

Real Estate Purchase Contract vs. Option Agreement, Which One to Use and Why?

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purchase contract (2)In this episode I’m driving in my car headed to an appointment so the sound quality is not the best…sorry 😉

Yesterday there was a question in the Flip2Freedom Academy private Facebook group regarding the use of an option agreement vs. the real estate purchase contract.  So while driving to my appointment I decided to answer the question for you guys.

There’s defiantly a strategy on how to use each contract. I like to use an option when I’m NOT 100% confident that I can sell the property for the price the seller wants.  But I still want the opportunity to market the property to see if I can sell it.

I also share how to pitch it to the seller so you can get the option signed without being on the “hook” to sell the property.

This is an awesome strategy to use almost all the time if the seller wants more than our offer.  Here’s the thing though.  Don’t use this as a scapegoat, you still have to negotiate the best price possible.

Let me know if you think this is a viable strategy you can use in your business to make money.


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