F2F 113: Salt Miner Working 3rd Shift Makes $30k and Quits JOB Wholesaling Houses!!!

Salt Miner Working 3rd Shift Makes $30k and Quits JOB!

octavian crossIn this episode learn how Octavian Cross was able to quit his job and have more time with his family by wholesaling houses.

Octavian would listen to Sean’s podcasts to listen to while working his shift from 11pm – 7am at the salt mines. After a few months of listening he was empowered to start following Sean’s system and started putting out bandit signs and sending mailers when he got off work in the mornings. He ended up finding a deal and was surprised at how easy the entire process was. His wife was so excited about his first check that she was ready for him to quit his job right away. After a few successful deals he was able to quit his job and now has more time for his family and sports!

Boom Baby


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