F2F 056: My #1 Secret Weapon for Consistent Windfall Profits

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YellowLetterMail.com: The Hidden Secret

In this exclusive interview I speak with Michael Quarles from YellowLetterMail.com and discuss the magic of the yellow letter and why its so effective.  Michael is a seasoned investor and understands the real estate business inside and out.  We go through the whole process of how to use the yellow letter to make consistent windfall profits by have floods of motivated sellers calling you on a consistent basis.

You’ll learn:

Why the yellow letter is so effective and how to use it.

What list to market to for the highest return on investment.

What to say when speaking with callers and what are the most commonly asked questions.

And much much more…

Have a Question? Please leave your question on my voice mail and I’ll answer it on the next show!


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