
The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Podcast

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Tom Nets $9,695.67 on His Very First Deal!

In this video Tom talks about his first deal he closed within 3 months of joining the Flip2Freedom Academy. He shares how he went to Real Estate seminars, that were “teasers and just trying to sell a $3,000 to $5,000  product, so you can figure out, how to do this and for a fraction of

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F2F 081: Income at Will & the Wealth Effect: Below Market Properties, Appreciation and Leverage The Ultimate Trifecta for Serious Wealth Creation

[Audio clip: view full post to listen] Below Market Properties, Appreciation and Leverage The Ultimate Trifecta for Serious Wealth Creation In this episode I explain how to flipping properties is answer to income at will.  I explain how to use this method to generate a stash of cash so when the opportunity arises you’ll be able

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The $23,645 Deal and How Matt Nearly Doubled His Income

Watch Matt talk about his third check after joining the Flip2Freedom, while doing this part time with a full time job!  Matt shares how he made his first 5 figure check! Making over $23,000 on his third deal. He is doing this “strictly part time, in my spare time, a few hours here and there.”